1. What Goes Around, Comes Around.
2. KISS- Keep it Simple Sweetheart.
3. Cooperate- Work Together - The We.
4. Communicate- Use "I" Statements - The Me.
5. Negotiate- Make Win-Win Deals - The Us.
6. Mediate- Ask For and Accept Help.
7. IALAC- Care & Repair, Never tear.
8. Not Everyone Gets to the Party at the Same Time With the Same Gifts.
9. What is Fair is Not Always Equal Nor Always Apparent.
10. CHA-CHA- Courteous, Honest and Accepting Sportsmanship.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
Be sensitive to the different values and cultures of those around you.
Remember, the Teaching Profession makes all others possible- think about that!